Magic of Jewelry Design
How Jewelry design can bring Magic into your life.
How Jewelry design can bring Magic into your life.

Have you ever been drawn to a certain design? You see it once, then you seem to see it every where, like it’s calling you, trying to communicate with you. This is a form of magical energy, a communication from the Universe.
Symbols have long been used throughout history to keep us on our chosen path, marking out sacred spaces, and used to communicate with the All Knowing energies that help guide us through our lives how ever you name them.
Symbols can be simple or elaborate, from a spiral, or a crescent to an intricate flower or multi pointed star. It may represent your strength which in turn keeps you strong when you are needing it most, it may represent a happy moment to keep you at peace and feeling loved. I feel symbols are very personal because they evoke feelings and represent what maybe only you, or a small group of friends connect with; which makes symbols powerful. A circle may just be a circle to one person and to another it may represent the moon, the sun, the earth, family, etc. I personally love how important symbols are in our life, how they connect people and how they evoke magic.
Jewelry is symbolic in many ways which makes it magical. From wedding rings to “I made my first mile stone” ring. It takes our spirit to a place of remembering, reminding us of who we are, what we stand for, who we love, how strong we are when we believe in ourselves.
Jewelry has also been used in ritual, from a high priestesses performing a ceremony to a couple exchanging wedding vows. The energy exchanged during rituals are captured in the piece of jewelry being worn or exchanged and can take you back to that magical moment. There is nothing so strong and personal as a piece of jewelry. Many myths and legends start and end with the beauty and power of jewelry.
To bring magic into your life have a piece of jewelry created with Your sacred symbol, the one that you are dawn too, the one that symbolizes your personal journey, your personal connectedness to the Universe. In doing so, you keep the energy and power with you at all times, reminding you that you are amazing, you are on your chosen path, you are empowered to create the life you dream of.
Stones can also be added for their own qualities of power, healing, guidance and energy, but that’s another blog…
I am an intuitive jewelry designer. I work with my guides to create a piece that is right for you, where you are at now in your life. I can also work with you to create a piece that you have envisioned. I have been creating “jewelry that becomes you” for over 20 years, using sterling silver, gold and gemstones. I would love to help evoke magic into your life!
-Ann Madland